jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016


Bell and Sebastian is a film. It`s set in the story of one child that lives in the mountain with his grandfather, because his mother lives in America.
The name of the child is Sebastian. One day Sebastian and his grandfather go to the mountain to hurt, but the people of the village think that one dog that lives in the mountain is a beast, but Sebastian doesn`t agree with them.
One day, Sebastian went to the mountain to visit Bell that is the dog, and he gave him some food. Later, another day the people of the village went to the mountain to kill Bell, but the child didn`t want, and he ran to the mountain to hide the dog, later one person saw Bell and shot him on one leg. The grandfather realized that the dog was good and went the next day with a vet to cure him. One girl of the village was a good person, she walked with one family, that the family went to another country the next day, and Bell and Sebastian went with the family to help them. Then the child and the dog had to return alone on a day that is snowing a lot and it was night, but the child with only five years old knew how to arrive perfectly to his home.

The main character is Bel, the dog. The best thing in the film is when the grandfather went to the mountain to help the dog, and Sebastian was very happy.
In my opinion this film is very good, and I recommended it to other people, anyway this film is a little sad story too.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016


In my first day at school, I was twelve years old. When I started the first class, I was very nervous because a lot of friends said to me that the high school is very difficult. And I met new friends from the other villages. I started in the high school of El Espinar. Everybody were very nervous because we meet older students.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016


In the exchange with Germany, one day we went to island Langeoog, and the teachers gave us some free time. My friends and I went to the supermarket to buy some food, and I bought some bread with cheese and sausages. When we left the supermarket, I took my bun in my hand and suddenly a seagull came and it landed in my shoulder. It grabbed my bun with its break and flew away. So all my friends laughed a lot at what had happened to me. Later my friends and I went with the German students to the beach, but we didn´t swim because the water is was very cold.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016


In my opinion people are want to who marry, never have to divorce, because is not a good idea, is a long very difficult time. But sometimes it is better to divorce to be arguing all the day. I think that the parents of the bride and groom do not want their children to divorce. The best is a relation when love between the two people is true. I think that divorce is not the best but in some cases is what to do.
Divorce is a very difficult situation. Is when two people are not loving,  and can´t live together. Is very difficult when the two people hace children. Now has much divorce, because people are getting married very young, and isn´t a true love.
I live an experience of divorce, because my parents divorced in 2012, this situation was very difficult for my brothers and me, but now is bests because my parents are very good friends and we go holidays and a lot of places together. Now, my brothers and I, are living with my mother, but in Wednedays and two weekends per month we live with my father.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Who I am?

As you can see this photo shows some people in a small beach. In the photo you can look a lot of trees in the beach. In this small beach the water is very cold. Maybe the people is in holidays, because there are a lot of parents with his children, and the children is playing in the water. This photo is in summer.


Both photos show people. In photo C, the people are in a small beach, but in photo D, the people are in the car and take photos with the camera to the animals. In the first photo there are a lot of people, and the second photo are four persons and there aren´t children. In picture C the people are in the water, and in the other picture, the people are taking a photos.
The beach and the jungle is very different, because in the beach there is water, but in the jungle there are vegetation and muchs animals.