lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


Women have to have rights, just as men also have rights. Today, women have many more rights than before, because a few years ago, men were the ones who had all the rights and women had none, they could only take care of the children and the tasks of the house, an few years have passed when there has been a big change.
An example, may be work, because men have always been more valued, and at present continue to be more valued men, not as different as before. Besides, women had no right to work because they had to be in the house, and those who got to work were many hours and made little money, and had very little work. However, men worked and had a higher salary.
Another example, is the world of sport. When a men's soccer team wins the league or a very important match, the news are announced by all social networks, but when a women's team wins anything, it is not given any importance, and there is a lot of between women and men, when all are for everyone.
In my opinion, women have to the same rights as men, because nobody is more than anyone, and we all have to be equal.

1 comentario:

  1. -and few years...
    -continue to be more valued.
    -a lot of ehat
    -when all are for everyone - I dont understand
    -Women have to the same - missing the verb

    Grade: 6,5
